Species Group

Welcome to the Species Group of the British Iris Society (BIS).

We started as a study group of members of BIS who were interested in Iris species rather than the cultivars of bearded Irises, which are ably catered for by the main Society.

The Group has a long and illustrious history; most of the famous names in the world of Irises and other ‘bulbous’ plants have at one time or another been members. The original intention was for exchange of information about Iris between members. This is still the case today as can be seen from recent publications of bulletins and newsletters

Benefits of membership.

Regular, at least annual newsletters and a substantial bulletin published, generally, biannually.



We have scanned past editions of the newsletter and bulletins issued by the Group over the years. It is important that material such as this is saved for posterity. There is now an archive of these publications in electronic pdf format. The dating and numbering system of these publications has been somewhat erratic and idiosyncratic; so difficult to determine whether we have a complete set, but it is intended for them to be put into a searchable format for the use of members. This will represent an unrivalled resource for those interested in our genus and history.



The Group has always been fairly informal and friendly and pleased to answer any queries regarding species irises.

We look forward to seeing you at one of the events.

Committee 2022

Chairman: Brian Mathew MBE, VMH

Hon. Member Tony Hall

Secretary & Treasurer: David Stephens, irisspeciesgroup@hotmail.co.uk

Bulletin Editor: Tim Loe, loe@loebooks.co.uk

Newsletter Editor: Mike Morton,  Michael Morton morton.alpine@gmail.com

Membership Secretary: Kate Loe, loe@loebooks.co.uk

Committee member: Sue Bedwell, bedwell615@btinternet.com

If you would be interested in joining the committee to lend a hand please contact one of the members


The subscription currently remains at £5 per calendar year.

Subscriptions are due from 1st January each year.

Please contact, Kate Loe, membership Secretary for joining details and methods of payment via loe@loebooks.co.uk or contact 01566 782528