Where to buy Irises
These are some of the places where you may be able to buy irises. Please note that not all are commercial suppliers and in some cases they may be able to sell only very small quantities of rare plants.
Please note also that while the BIS offers this information in good faith it does not accept any responsibility for accuracy or currency of the information nor does it offer any warranty in respect of any potential supplier. You can download a full list of those we know about by clicking the link British Iris Society Suppliers list
UK Nurseries (some with plant collections)
Broadleigh Bulbs Nursery whose range includes the smaller bearded irises as well as their own Pacific Coast hybrids.
Chailey Iris Garden A bearded iris specialist based in East Sussex.
Claire Austin National Collection of Bearded Iris and nursey, garden & display fields. Principally bearded iris, but also some beardless.
English Iris Company Irises for sale, a collection of Irises bred by Bryan Dodsworth and iris related information.
The Gobbett Nursery with a good range of Siberian and Japanese Iris
Iris of Sissinghurst Nursery specialising in Bearded Irises, together with some Siberian and Japanese iris.
Kelways Principally known for their bearded iris displays at Chelsea, but also stock some beardless irises.
The Manic Botanic click on the link to go to Julie and Chris Scott's site where beardless and other irises are available.
Pondfolk a family run nursery in Norfolk focusing on pond and wetland plants, including irises.
Seagate Irises National Collection of Historic Irises, nursery and display garden. Bearded irises, together with Siberian and bog/water irises.
Tor Garden Plants Emma Robertson - specialist in irises growing in water
Viv Marsh Postal Plants includes a range of bearded irises
UK Plant Collections
Aulden Farm Collection of Siberian Iris with 3 acre garden.
www.blissiris.co.uk Anne Milner's National Collection of Arthur Bliss Irises in Gloucestershire.
www.kew.org Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. National Collection of Iris subgenus Scorpiris (Junos) held - a selection can be seen in the Alpine House when in flower.
www.visitleevalley.org.uk Myddelton House Gardens. Historic garden created by plantsman E A Bowles, now home to the National Collection of Iris (Dykes Medal Winners).
www.nccpg.com Sarah Cook Introductions by Sir Cedric Morris.
www.nccpg.com Sue Applegate Iris Intermediate Bearded (Langport cvs.)
www.nccpg.com Plant Heritage. Please visit their website for other National Collections which do not have a dedicated web site. A list of Iris collections can be found here
Sir Michael Foster Introductions by Lucy Skellorn, the great-granddaughter of Sir Michael Foster. Opening times are by appointment and Lucy can be contacted by email foster.irises@gmail.com
European Nurseries
www.bourdillon.com Principally bearded irises, but also some Japanese, Siberian, Spuria and water loving irises.
www.graefin-von-zeppelin.de Staudengartnerei Grafin von Zeppelin - A general nursery with good stocks of bearded irises as well as some Siberain and Spuria irises.
www.iris-cayeux.com French nursery principally known for their Bearded irises (including hybrids raised by themselves), but also a good range of beardless irises.
www.tamberg.homepage.t-online.de Dr Tomas Tamberg is a leading hybriser of beardless irises. He has done pioneering work on interspecies crosses.
One of our members has a developing iris nursery in Umbria, Italy and will supply irises mail order in the EU http://www.irisumbria.it/en/index.html
Other Nurseries
In most cases these nurseries will only able to ship plants in the country where they are based. Nonetheless they have a good deal of useful and interesting information. The BIS does occasionally arrange international transfers and you can use the contact page to seek help in obtaining Irises from abroad.
www.mid-americagarden.com/ This company is based in Oregon and unusually will ship to the UK
www.ensata.com Ensata Gardens - American nursery specialising in Japanese, Siberian and species irises.
www.fieldstonegardens.com A general plant nursery, but with the Siberian Iris introductions of Jeff Dunlop and Dean Cole.
www.jpwflowers.com Joe Pye Weed's Garden an American nursery with a wide range of irises, including many irises bred by Terry Aitken and specialising in Siberian, Versicolor and species irises.
https://www.kwekerij-joosten.nl/This site is all in Dutch so you may need some translation tools
www.reticulatas.com Alan McMurtrie is the leading hybridiser of Reticulata Irises.
www.schreinersgardens.com Schreiner's Iris Gardens - an American nursery established since 1925 specialising in Tall bearded iris, but also some shorter and some beardless.
Suttons Iris USA Started as a hobby, Sutton's Iris Gardens has grown into a large commercial enterprise over the past 40 years.
www.tempotwo.com.au Tempo Two Nursery - an Australian nursery principally growing bearded iris, including those raised by Barry Blyth the owner.
www.zydecoirises.com Zydeco Louisiana Iris Garden specialising in Louisiana iris, including introductions of Patrick O'Connor.