To make your payment to the British Iris Society please fill in the form below. Note that any subs due to groups need to be paid separately direct to the group.
If you prefer you may download and print the Membership-form and post it with your cheque for the subscription as detailed on the form.
Send payment
BIS membership payment
"*" indicates required fields
Existing members
All membership renewal enquiries should be addressed to
Jake Croft
Lamport Hall
Northamptonshire NN6 9HD
Membership runs with the calendar year. New UK and EU members pay a subscription of £15.00 (household membership costs £20.00).
Members who join between January and 31 July will receive the current Year Book as well as the edition published in December.
New members joining the Society from 1 August onwards do not receive the current Year Book, however, their subscription covers the following year, and of course will receive the Year Book in December.