2024 BIS Virtual Show
Welcome to our 2024 Virtual Show. Members have submitted their images under the above classes. Please
use the navigation buttons above to see the entries.
We are pleased to announce the results below.
Congratulations to the winners, but thank you all for taking part and sharing your images.
Class 1 | ||||
Joint 1st | 49 | Rachael Hunter | ‘World Premier' | |
Joint 1st | 71 | Chris Jarvis | ‘Paul Black' | |
Joint 3rd | 56 | Stephen Huggins | ’Mood Ring’ | |
Joint 3rd | 61 | Jeremy Handy | ’Bluebird of Happiness’ | |
Joint 3rd | 62 | Sheila Handy | ’Sunny Sonatina’ | |
Class 2 | ||||
1st | 61 | Jeremy Handy | 'Pennywhistle' | |
2nd | 66 | Chris Jarvis | 'Imperial Bronze' | |
3rd | 59 | John Mullen | ’Currier’s Choice’ | |
Class 3 | ||||
1st | 59 | Chris Jarvis | 'Benbow' (1917) | |
2nd | 66 | Jill Whitehead | 'Kingfisher' (1923) | |
3rd | 62 | Jane Stephenson Ingram | 'Quaker Lady' (1909) | |
Class 4 | ||||
1st | 50 | Rachael Hunter | ||
2nd | 54 | Julie Scott | ||
3rd | 76 | Jane Stephenson Ingram | ||
Class 5 | ||||
Joint 1st | 55 | Carol Poulton | ||
Joint 1st | 57 | Fern Harden | ||
3rd | 56 | Tammie Clark | ||
Class 6 | ||||
1st | 49 | Sue Bedwell | Moraea villosa | |
2nd | 61 | Sue Bedwell | Dietes iridioides | |
3rd | 68 | Brian Mathew | Iris probstii | |
Class 7 | ||||
Joint 1st | 56 | Luc Scheldeman | Iris avromanica | |
Joint 1st | 57 | James Watson | ‘Louise' | |
3rd | 55 | James Watson | ‘Clairette' | |
Class 8 | ||||
1st | 54 | Brian Mathew | Crocus mathewii | |
2nd | 55 | Brian Mathew | Crocus goulimyi | |
Joint 3rd | 59 | James Watson | Crocus paschei | |
Joint 3rd | 62 | Alun Whitehead | Crocus banaticus | |
Best in Show | ||||
Class 8 | 54 | Brian Mathew | Crocus mathewii |

The original schedule is given below.
Open to all BIS members and also to members of the BIS groups
Class 1. Any bearded iris.
Class 2. Any beardless iris.
Class 3. Any type of historic iris. Please give the date of registration.
Class 4. A garden scene which must include some type of iris/Iridaceae.
Class 5. An abstract/ creative photo of an iris or Iridaceae.
Class 6. Any species iris or Iridaceae.
Class 7. A reticulate iris.
Class 8. A crocus.
We would welcome other iris related photos which can be displayed alongside the competition, these would not be judged.
To enter:
Choose a photo of an iris that you have grown that fits one of the classes above.
Three different irises can be entered for each class.
For classes 1 to 3, please send a photo of the whole stem and a closer one showing one of the blooms on the stem, unless these features can be clearly seen in one photo.
Please do not use Photoshop, but cropping of an image is allowed.
Photos must be taken during the 2024 flowering season, up to 14th October 2024. Also, photos of entries to ‘live’ BIS shows are not permitted.
Give the name of the varieties you are entering, unless they are seedlings.
Send your entries to info@britishirissociety.org.uk by the 14th October 2024. Entries will be numbered so that they are anonymous when they are judged. After that date, we will ask our BIS judges to make their choices.
We would like to use any photos submitted for publicity purposes, e.g. Newsletter, Yearbook or Facebook. Please let us know if you are not happy with that.